I'm going to a "Favorite Things" party tonight hosted by my friend
Ali @ Just Me and decided to do another coaster project for it. We have them all over our house and I've given several sets away as gifts. I really do love the look of them.
HERE is a link to my other Omni-gel projects.
I started with 4" tiles from Lowe's. They are called Agora Almond and were 33 cents each. I put a piece of cork on the bottom of it, cut to just a little smaller than the tile. I bought a roll of self stick cork at Michael's.
I used graphics from
The Graphics Fairy (the Ball Jars, Watering Can and Cloche) and the Bicycle and Ampersand images I found on Etsy. I printed them off on my laser printer using the normal print (not mirror image). Remember, if you don't have a laser printer, just print the graphic off any printer and make a copy at Kinko's, then you'll have the right type of copy. I used the wallet size on Picasa and did one graphic per page. (I tried to do 2 and 4 graphics per page and they printed too closely together).

I used a foam brush and applied even coats of Omni-gel. (I buy Omni-gel at Michael's. It's not easy to find, so you may have to ask a salesperson where to find it there.) You'll want to brush it on in one direction, let that dry completely, brush it on the opposite direction, let that dry, then brush it on diagonally and let that dry. Be sure to cover enough of the graphic and surrounding paper so it'll easily fit on a 4" tile. I then cut the graphic to about 6" square so it's easier to work with.
Once it's all dry (I let them sit overnight after the 3 coats), set the graphic in a tub of water. I used a dishpan from the Dollar Store. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. If you leave it longer, it's fine.
I took it out and set it on a piece of wax paper. I used a damp microfiber cloth and rubbed the paper off in a circular motion. Be sure to get all of the paper off. I usually run it under some water to try to get everything off.
I then set the wet graphic on the tile and carefully cut to fit the tile. (it works best if the graphic is wet so it doesn't slide around on the tile while you're cutting it) Be sure not to cut too small or too big. The edges of the graphic will fit nicely in the grooves at the edge of the tile and you won't be able to see them.
Carefully lift the cut graphic off the tile (it shouldn't be delicate as it's kind of rubbery at this point), spread Omni-gel in a thin layer on the back of the graphic and the top of the tile. Use your finger to spread the Omni-gel and get rid of any air bubbles. You can apply some Omni-gel to your finger to spread it easily. You will have to peel the Omni-gel off of your hands. :)
Set the tiles aside to dry overnight.
I put a little sprinkle of salt on them, then spray with a clear sealant. I found that the salt keeps glasses from sticking to the tiles later on.
I hope whoever gets my 'favorite thing' likes them as much as I do!
Thanks for coming by!
A BIG Thank You to Palatin Remodeling, Inc. for naming my blog "Best Innovative Blog 2012" I am thrilled to have won!!
Presented by:
Palatin Remodeling Inc
I am linking to the following parties:
Debbiedoo's Newbie Grad Party
Savvy Southern Style's Wow Us Wednesday